Poetry, the Inverness Victorian Market, and BBC Radio Scotland

It’s always nice when people contact me about my writing, and the other week I was happy when someone from BBC Radio Scotland’s “Our Story” history programme got in touch to ask about a poem I wrote about the Victorian Market in Inverness. I first wrote about the Victorian Market a few years ago, and … More Poetry, the Inverness Victorian Market, and BBC Radio Scotland

LM Montgomery and the Dalhousie Gazette

The university I went to in Canada, Dalhousie, is celebrating its 200th anniversary, and as part of that they are highlighting famous alumni – this literary one caught my eye: https://alumni.dal.ca/dalhousie-originals/lucy-maud-montgomery/ Lucy Maud Montgomery, the author of “Anne of Green Gables”, went to Dalhousie University for one year. She later fictionalised some of her experiences … More LM Montgomery and the Dalhousie Gazette